Description: The main function of cigar waist bands is to indicate the manufacturer of cigars, brands and specific series, models.
The “Band” of a cigar refers to the ring-shaped paper surrounding cigar body.
Now almost all the cigars will have waist band. No matter it is on waist or foot, there will always be cigar trademarks. But in the past there is no concept of cigar bands when cigars are took out from cigar box and it is hard to tell what is cigar types or cigar brands.
How Cigar Lovers Deal With Cigar Bands?
The cigar’s trademark first appeared in 1837 when a Cuban-born Spanish immigrant, RamonAllones, was the first to stamp a color flat logo on a cigar box made by his cigar factory. Since then the cigar’s official trademark label was born. In addition to the cigar brand, the cigar band usually marks the name of the manufacturer, region and country. Cigar label design was created to sell cigars and meet consumer needs. At the same time cigar labels was seen as an art form of publicity, but also as a collection of works of art.
The collection cigar band is actually a normal practice done by a lot of cigar passengers. To be serious, it’s not a collection but just simple actions to gather things. The common practice is to collect the cigar bands after finishing cigar smoking, which is similar to the collection of the wine cork plug.
However, all the cigar bands or trademarks are not design without purpose. From the very beginning, cigarette bands is equipped with advertising purpose, in order to attract potential buyers. These cigar labels are a colorful mixture of art, modernity and history. Topics and themes of cigar bands include animals, beauties, celebrities, cowboys, Indians, history, literature and more. That as well determines the cigar trademark could be classified and categorized.
The best way to deal with cigar bands after cigar smoking is to make paintings combining cigar trademark labels. Now there are a lot of professional cigar fans as well as collectors who are specializing in classifying a variety of cigar bands by subject. For example, the same brand but at different times will be classified and categorized. The same things happened to literature and tobacco. The same size cigar band from different regions can also be collected and created a picture of combination of cigar labels, which will not only create a home for seemingly useless cigars trademarks, but also let the cigar bands tell people a story. Since this point, cigar bands will officially enter the world of collection.