Cigar Industry
Cigar production is a very meticulous job requiring a lot of patience and energy from cigar rolling guru. We wish our products can help a lot in cigar packing process to create a vintage and brilliant cigar for cigar fans. In a sense, cigar is really a personal thing because cigar lover always make their effort to personalize and store their cigars very carefully. To most cigar fanatic, they protect and keep the cigar just like priceless treasure.
What solutions we offered for Cigar packaging:
1. Cigar Bands
2. Cigar Box
3. Tobacco Tax Stamp
Fax: +86 02 8623 7812
Tel: +86 02 8623 7812
Skype: +8618566256063
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Add: Gaosheng Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, P.R. China